Deir Yassin Remembered



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Deir Yassin Remembered Scholarship

Our History:

Although the main purpose of Deir Yassin Remembered is to build a suitable memorial, the organization also has a broader, more humanitarian objective. It will work to eliminate prejudice against Palestinians and to promote the human side of a people who have been the victims of the Zionist colonization of their land and of the apartheid conditions under which they now live.

As an extension of the goals of Deir Yassin Remembered, the organization embarked on a new project. This new project was the establishment of Deir Yassin Remembered Scholarship. The goal of this scholarship program is to provide financial aid to young people who wish to pursue a college or university education in Palestine. Through this scholarship, we affirm the Right to Education; we aim to empower the young with enlightenment and understanding; and we offer what we can toward peace, through education.

In January 2007 we awarded our first scholarship of $2,500 to an 18-year-old Palestinian student from the West Bank village of Al-Walajah who is enrolled at Al-Quds University. This young woman will be studying medicine with her ultimate goal of becoming a dentist. The awards will be renewable for up to four years.

I became interested in the educational opportunities for Palestinian youth during a visit to Palestine in December 2004. During that trip I visited the village of Al-Walajah. While there I met a gentleman who is a teacher at the public school in the village.

We talked at length about many things. Eventually the topic of discussion turned to his son. He said that his son would be graduating from high school the next year and had expressed a desire to continue his education at Bethlehem University. Although he didn't come out and say it, I knew that on a public servant's salary their family income would not allow for this.

About a month after returning home this gentleman emailed me to say hello and to thank me for my visit to Al-Walajah. He then asked me something I know must have been difficult for him. He asked if there was any way I could possibly help his son fulfill his wish to go to college. It was then that I made a commitment to personally this young man financially. I'm happy to say that he is now enrolled in his third year at Bethlehem University.

I sincerely believe that given the opportunity young people everywhere can accomplish great things.

Steven Beikirch
DYR Scholarship Committee

COPYRIGHT © 2007 - 2012 All Rights Reserved

Deir Yassin Remembered Scholarship — 22066 FM 244, Iola, TX 77861 — Email:

Committee members
Steven Beikirch (chair)Henry Herskovitz